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Wanted to show you how easy it is to use the DISTINCT function in MySQL inside of Joomla.

This is very useful whenever you want to create a list of all the individual values of a specific field in a database table. It only gets that value once, so like below, there is several “Burlington” values in the city field

Table: jos_locations

id name city state
1 Coffee House Graham NC
2 Barnes & Nobile Burlington NC
3 Sheetz Mebane NC
4 Starbucks Burlington NC
5 Panera Burlington NC

So this is how you would use distinct to just grab that list of specific values.

// Get a database object
$db = &JFactory::getDBO();
$query =  ' SELECT DISTINCT city '.
          ' FROM #__ locations ';

Now we want to Set the Query.


Finally we send the query and return the Results and print it out.

$results = $db->loadObjectList();